Hurricane Ian: Crisis Cleanup


Sunday - 10:30 AM Worship Service Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM


Our hearts are with all those affected by Hurricane Ian. There is a great need to help support local churches, nonprofit organizations, and many other organized relief efforts serving those who have been affected.

People will turn and look to God in times like these. Through the local church, they will experience His hands pulling them to safety, His feet pushing through the flood waters to provide relief, and His love creating hope when it is needed most. We believe God is present in this recovery, right there in the trenches—helping, healing, and working through His people to provide light in a time of darkness.

Many of you have asked how you can help. We are so thankful for your commitment to loving people in need.

At NBCF we are partnering with Crisis Cleanup to help aid those in need. Here are ways you can be a part of the recovery: