Missions · Reaching the World for Christ
New Beginnings Christian Fellowship is fully committed to seeing the Gospel spread throughout the world. If you would like more information about our missions projects, please click the pictures below.
Our Church Mission Project
New Beginnings began partnering with the Bethesda mission in 2012 when Pastor Jerry Lankford went on a trip to La Gonâve with a church member who grew up on the island. There he met Pastor Micler and Rosiane and was introduced to their work. Since that time, New Beginnings has come alongside to encourage them, raise needed finances, expanded the vision, and join in the labor. We believe God has joined us together to follow His command in sharing the gospel in "all the world."
Mission Projects We Support
We at ONE FOR ISRAEL understand that there are many ways to bless Israel, but we are convinced that the best way to bless Israel is with Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ).
At New Beginnings we support one for Israel because we have a love for God's chosen people. Our one wish is to see them come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
"Our vision is the same today as it was 75 years ago:
A thriving church for every people."
The founders of NTM had a vision for reaching the world: “By unflinching determination we hazard our lives and gamble all for Christ until we have reached the last tribe regardless of where that tribe might be.” (Brown Gold magazine, Issue 1, May 1943) That’s a far-reaching vision. A vision that represents God’s heart for the world. A vision that’s worth our getting passionate about and working together to make it a reality. That's why New Beginnings has partnered with Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach to bring the Glaro people of Liberia the Gospel. Aaron and Amy are currently engaged in translating the Bible into the Glaro Language and have been living among them for over ten years. Please keep them in prayer as they continue in this vital mission work.